Mrs Slick: The King’s wife, imitating the Big Slick.Little Slick: Like the Big Slick, but not quite as strong.Big Chick: A rhyming companion to Big Slick, but with a Queen (a “chick”) instead of a King.Antony & Cleopatra: Because the cards share the initials of the famous Shakespearian lovers, Marc Antony and Queen Cleopatra.Walking Back to Houston: Because Texan players who bet too heavily on this hand often ended up “walking back to Houston” as a loser.Korean Airlines: Sharing the initials of the commercial airline of South Korea.King Arthur: Sharing the initials of King Arthur, the legendary King of Camelot.Big Slick: Because this looks like an easy winner, many novice players lose a lot of money betting on it.Anna Kournikova: The Ace/King combo gets this nickname for sharing the initials of the former tennis star.Visine: This is a special designation for the combination of the Ace of Hearts and the Ace of Diamonds (both red suits), also known as “red eyes” because Visine eye drops claim to “get the red out.”.Two Pips: A pip is a single unit of a number in a group, so two Aces, each worth one “pip” or point is “two pips”.Teepees: The double Aces resemble the peaks of Native American teepees.Snake Eyes (or Eyes): The pair of Aces is associated with rolling snake eyes (double 1) in Craps.Pocket Rockets: Aces look like rockets, and since they are “pocket cards”, they’re pocket rockets.

Needles: The “A” looks like the top of the needle, in that it’s pointy.Joe Louis: (Given only to the pair of spades and clubs) because the Aces resemble eyes, you will get two black eyes if you try to fight them, like the famous boxer.Eyes of Texas: Taken from the popular song, also due to the resemblance to “eyes” on dice, and the origin of the game “Texas Hold’em.”.Bullets: This hand garners the nickname “bullets” because the single suit symbol in the center of each card side by side resembles bullet holes.Batteries: The nickname comes from double-A batteries.American Airlines: Nicknamed due to the double Aces “AA” that is also the familiar symbol for American Airlines.Alan Alda: The double “A’s” are also the initials of the M*A*S*H star.Nicknames for Hands with Aces Ace-Ace (A-A) How Much Money Can You Make Playing Poker?.